Running Batch Actions in Report Results

There may be times where you’ll want to segment the contacts that appear in the results of a Graphly report. This article covers how you can do that using Batch Actions in the results page of a report.

Step 1: Select a Data Point

Determine which report you want to run a batch action on and click a specific data point.

click a data point on a report

Step 2: Select Records

Each record in the results has a checkbox next to it. You can click specific records, or use the top checkbox to select all of the results in the list.

select individual records or select them all

Step 3: Select the Action Type (Trigger)

Once you have selected the records you wish to perform the action on, select an Action from the drop-down.

drop-down options after selecting record

There are 5 different Action Types:

Each of these action types have their own benefits/disadvantages, and since every business is unique, it will be up to you to determine which will work best for you.

Apply an Existing Tag(s)

Once you have selected the Apply an existing tag(s) action, a search box will appear. Search for the name of the tag you wish to apply and click Apply.

search for tag and click apply

Create and Apply a New Tag

After selecting Create and Apply a new tag, you can name the tag in the box to the left, and select a category from the drop down on the right. Once you’ve done that, click Create.

type a tag name, select a category, and click create

Remove a Tag(s)

When this Action is selected, a search box with appear. Search for the name of the tag you wish to remove from these records and click Remove.

search for the name of the tag and click remove

Start Campaign Sequence

When this trigger is selected you can select a campaign and sequence to add the selected records to.

select a campaign and sequence

Stop Campaign Sequence

When the Stop Campaign Sequence action is selected, you can select a campaign and sequence to remove the selected records from.

select a campaign and sequence to remove contacts from

Step 4: Processing the Action

Actions are processed 100 records at a time. This allows us to perform the action without bogging down your Infusionsoft account.

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Create Your Free Graphly Dashboard

You don’t need to struggle to find the data you need from your Infusionsoft or Keap application.  Create a free visual dashboard using the Graphly Lite plan. Using Graphly Lite, you get 1 user, 2 dashboards, and access to our 10 most widely used report templates. These templates include: 

  • Tags Applied 
  • Tags Applied Goal
  • Leads
  • Gross Revenue
  • Appt | Note | Task Summary
  • Email List Health
  • Refunds
  • Campaign Email Stats
  • Text Widget Area 

If you don’t already have a Graphly account, click here to get a Graphly Lite account so you can start making more informed decisions and grow your business.

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