3 New Reports and Browser Extension Updates

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In talking with many of our paying users we discovered an inaccurate assumption was taking place. Here’s what it sounds like more or less – the number of reporting templates in Graphly is equal to the number of reports users can produce in their account.

We apologize if you’ve thought similarly and hope to clear that up with this weeks update. So, to clarify:

1 Reporting Template does NOT equal 1 Report


1 Reporting Template equals 3 Reports, or 4 or 5 or 6, it’s totally up to you and the options/criteria you select.

Yes, this is intentional. If we made it so that each template only produced a single report, we’d end up with hundreds upon hundreds of templates in our library, almost rendering the library useless. Instead, we’ve chosen to keep things ‘clean’ by maximizing the number of reports each template can produce, while keeping our template count fairly low. I still see this template figure growing to around 100 some day, but that’s a lot better than 1000! Wouldn’t you agree?

This last week we just released 3 new report templates, and we’d love to show you what that means in terms of new reports.

Product Revenue (See the product’s revenue over a range of time)
Product Category Revenue (See the product category’s revenue over a range of time)
Opportunity Stage Gauge (See your pipeline revenue based on selected stages)

Click the links above to see a brief video description of each template and the many reports they can create.

Happy Charting,

Team Graphly

P.S. We also made some updates and enhancements to our browser extensions. Make sure you update to the most current version soon…Here’s How

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