Watch the video below to see what these new reports can do.
Contact Leaderboard
Use this report to rank contacts based on standard field values or custom field values stored on the Keap contact record. Determine the leader based on counting contacts, using the numeric or currency value of the selected field, or sum/average the values of another field.

Tag Leaderboard
Use this report to rank tags that are applied during a specific date range. Either choose the tags you wish to compare or have Graphly return the most commonly applied tags.

Leaderboard Feedback
Now that you’ve seen this new report type in action, how will you use leaderboards in your business? We have a handful of additional leaderboards we’ve scoped out and intend to build. What leaderboard should we tackle next? Affiliate? Sales? User? Other? We’d like to hear your feedback. Let us know in the comments section below.
Let’s identify top performing leaders in your Keap account today. LOG IN NOW
Happy Charting!