2 Refinements, 1 Addition and a Product Roadmap

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Criteria Builder Order Invoice

In addition to adding order record criteria to relevant report templates, we’ve gone back and added the Criteria Builder to previous report templates that were originally built with less dynamic criteria. In fact, you’ll currently see both tabs. The Criteria tab will be deprecated in December. We’ve been giving notice about future removal of this tab since late July. If you haven’t already begun making the transition, do so now.

Tag Labels

This next refinement is really cool. Users now have the ability to relabel tags. I’m all for detail when it comes to naming tags, but sometimes this results in tag names that are quite long. There’s nothing wrong with long tag names inside of Keap, but you may prefer to see something more simple inside your Graphly widgets. Now you can click a pencil icon and label the data the tag is representing with anything you’d like.

Relabel Tags

Product Roadmap

Lastly, have you ever wondered what Graphly’s coming out with next? We know you have…or at least your peers have, because we get at least one call, live chat or email daily wondering what’s next. The buzz and excitement we’ve created by constantly releasing enhancements, new reports and features on a monthly, sometimes biweekly or even weekly basis, is truly awesome. We feed off of your energy – so thank you. In an effort to show our gratitude, we decided to pull back the curtain on what we’re currently working on and what we have in our development pipeline.

We created a Product Roadmap page that we’ll update monthly. We’ve broken upcoming releases into categories: New Report, New Features & Enhancements

Now we may from time-to-time slip in a surprise of sorts (because surprises are fun). But for the most part, we’ll be completely transparent about the future of Graphly. I’ve already spoken with a few customers about publicly documenting our roadmap and their responses were all along the lines of, “aren’t you concerned your competitors will take your ideas before you can implement them yourself?”

Nope! We’re moving forward too quickly to worry about others. Besides, as far as we can tell, no one else is as tightly integrated into Keap as we are. That might be why Keap awarded us $35,000 in cash at ICON this year and named us the Battle of the Apps Champion. But despite being the champ, we don’t plan on hanging out belt on the wall and our gloves in the closet. We’ve got much bigger plans – product updates that aren’t in the immediate pipeline that we can hardly wait to get to.

Coming This Week

Speaking of things we can hardly wait to get to…keep your eyes peeled for our next update which includes a handful of Campaign Builder reports. Yup, they’re finally here. We’re just going through and creating video documentation for each one. As soon as that’s squared away, they’ll be in your hands (or at least in your Graphly accounts). Enjoy the rest of your weekend and as always, Happy Charting!

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