How to Copy a Graphly Report

This article will cover how to copy a Graphly Report. This is helpful if you want the same report, but just want tweak a setting or two without starting over from scratch or if you want to send a copy of an existing report to a different dashboard.

Step 1: Open the Settings of a Report

Start by hovering the mouse over the desired report. You will see a gear icon appear in the top right corner of the widget. Click the gear icon.

Step 2: Copy Settings

In the settings screen, click the copy icon.

You can either click the copy button to copy the report onto this same dashboard, or you can select a different dashboard to copy it to from the list, then click copy.

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  • Opportunity Leaderboard: Track and analyze your team’s performance.
  • Gross Revenue: See the money coming into your Keap account over time.
  • Opportunity Forecast: Forecast the adjusted revenue of active opportunities based on the stage probability.
  • Units Sold: See the number of units sold for each product you select over a given date range.
  • Campaign Email Stats: Measure the impact and conversion of your marketing campaigns.
  • Tags Applied: See how many tags get applied to contacts during a period of time.

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