subscriptions started

Subscriptions Started

After creating the Units Sold report last week for numerous users who had reported having no way to see the number units represented by the number of sales for the day, week or month, we realized there was a similar report needed for those selling subscriptions.

why people open emails

Why Do People Open Emails?

To those scratching their heads, I’ll interpret the chart above 😉 – as the length of the subject line increases, the open rate decreases. Period.

toilet paper evolution

The Toilet Paper Evolution

Since it’s a holiday, we’re taking a break from our usual hand drawn charts to bring you a sketch about a funny life experience.

building recurring revenue

Building Recurring Revenue

Have you incorporated a stream of recurring revenue into your business? If not, why? Today I’ll share 7 key metrics for measuring and more importantly, growing a recurring revenue business.

units sold report

Units Sold (new report)

Do your customers purchase more than one quantity of the same product in a single transaction? Every other reporting platform in the Infusionsoft space is limited to showing the number of transactions. Ever wish you could see the number of units sold from those transactions?

success ingredients

Ingredients for Success

Is there an actual recipe for success? Of course there is. Thing is, the recipe varies for every person. The good news is, you need zero baking experience.

death by meetings gravestone

Death by Meetings

Well, you’ve read the headline so you can probably guess how we feel about meetings…or at least how we used to feel about meetings.

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