Existing insights include the best days and times to send email to your specific list, revenue associated with indivdual emails, a break down of products sold by email, a clear view of your overall list health and grouped Sends, Opens and Clicks of campaign emails.
Jarrod Morris
Time Zone Support is Here!
Earlier this year Keap introduced a few updates to how saved searches perform for users across different time zones with in the same application. One thing that remained the same was that regardless of the time zone selected with in the UI, Keap still records all timestamps stored in their database in EST. Up until this point, Graphly has used the EST timestamp to establish the start and end of days. If your time zone happened to be EST, life was good. Otherwise, this standard approach used by most reporting tools presented challenges for users outside of the EST time zone.
Grouping Tags
Over the last few years there have been a handful of reports that have remained dashboard favorites for our users. Two of which are Tags Applied and our coveted Tag Funnel. Today we released new versions of these reports that include grouping tags together for different purposes. Watch the video explanation to see how you can put these new reports to good use:
Strike While The Iron Is Hot – 6 New Reports
We just released 6 new reports for our users. But first, the reason behind why we created these reports. We’ve all heard the saying, “strike while the iron is hot.” But what does that mean? Let’s first take a look at the origin and literal meaning to better understand the analogy. The first documented use of the phrase was in 1566, in a comedy ‘The excellent comedie of two the moste faithfullest freendes’, featuring the characters Damon and Pithias.
3 New Revenue Reports
Today’s product update is a response to numerous report requests from our customers. While we have a queue of reports we’re building determined by more than a decade of consulting businesses, we truly appreciate the feedback from our existing customer base that spans so many niches, industries and unique business models.
Public Dashboards Are Here!
Dashboards are a lot like hugs…they’re better shared with others than kept to yourself 🙂 That’s why we built an additional way to share your boards with others. We call this new feature “public dashboards”.