A Quick Tour of your Graphly Account

This article gives a quick tour of your Graphly account with an overview of notable features and locations within the app.


The first thing you see when you log in will be your dashboard. This board is empty until you start adding reports.

screenshot of a naked dashboard

Adding a Board

To add another board, click the four square icon in the top-right and select + Add Board.

Give the new board a name and click Create.

Switching Between Boards

To toggle between your different boards, click the four square icon and select the board you would like to visit.

click the four square icon and select the board you would like to visit

Board Preferences

To access the settings of your board, click the gear icon on your dashboard, and select Board.

click the gear icon and select board

Settings Tab

The settings tab allows you to change the name of the board, and assign it to a different user.

Share Tab

The Share tab allows to to select other users to share the board with.

Public Tab

The Public tab allows you to generate a public link to the current dashboard.

Warning: Anyone with this link can view this dashboard, regardless of whether or not they are a user.

Template Library

To access you Template Library, click the + icon at the top of your dashboard.

click the plus icon at the top of the dashboard to access the template library

You can filter the library by clicking on the category drop-down to the right, or by searching for a key word.


Resize & Move Reports

To resize an existing report, click and drag either of the bottom corners to the desired size and proportions.

click and drop the bottom corners of a report to resize

To move a report, click the title and drag it where you want it to live.

click the title and drag the report to move it

Editing Reports

To Edit an Existing report, click the gear icon in the top right-hand corner of the report.

to edit the report click the gear icon in the top right-hand corner

After making changes to a report, click the save preferences on this widget button.

Deleting Reports

While in the settings of a report, click the red trash can icon, then select Delete to confirm.


To access the Profile settings, where your personal user information is stored, click the gear icon on your dashboard and select Profile.

click the gear icon on the dashboard and select profile

Profile Tab

To change any information pertaining to your specific user, make any changes on this tab and click the Update Profile button near the bottom.

Theme Tab

On the Theme tab, you can choose the skin and color palette of your Graphly account. I’m definitely not biased, but Dark is the best theme. 😉

Extensions Tab

In order to view Graphly within your Keap account (more info on that here) you’ll need to download the Firefox addon or Chrome extension, depending on which browser you use.

Account Settings

To access your account settings, click the four square icon (again) and select Account.

click the gear icon and select account to access account settings

Settings Tab

On this tab, you can change the name of the Account, the Owner, and the Currency and Timezone that reports display in.

Users Tab

The Users tab allows you to invite new users, or edit existing users. For more information on users, click here.

Invoices Tab

The invoices tab allows you to pay on and download invoices for the last 18 months.

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Try Graphly for Just $1!

Unlock the full potential of your data with Graphly! Sign up for our 14-day trial for only $1 and gain access to a wide range of powerful reports designed to help you make data-driven decisions. Here are some of the reports you can explore:

  • Opportunity Leaderboard: Track and analyze your team’s performance.
  • Gross Revenue: See the money coming into your Keap account over time.
  • Opportunity Forecast: Forecast the adjusted revenue of active opportunities based on the stage probability.
  • Units Sold: See the number of units sold for each product you select over a given date range.
  • Campaign Email Stats: Measure the impact and conversion of your marketing campaigns.
  • Tags Applied: See how many tags get applied to contacts during a period of time.

Don’t miss out on this limited-time offer! Start Your 14-Day $1 Trial Now.

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