How to Add Users to Your Graphly Account

This article will help you understand how to add users to your Graphly account, and covers the different types of user permissions. Below is a table with each user type and what their permissions are.

Limited Viewer User Admin
Shared Boards Only✔️✔️
View Report Data✔️✔️✔️
Create/Edit Reports✔️✔️
Create Dashboards✔️✔️
Invite Users✔️✔️
Access Billing✔️
  • Shared Boards Only: Can only view dashboards they have been invited to.
  • View Report Data: Can click into data points on a report to see the records within.
  • Create/Edit Reports: Can create and edit their own reports.
  • Create Dashboards: Can create their own dashboards.
  • Invite Users: Can invite other users to their account. (But only Admins can invite other Admins)
  • Access Billing: Can edit or update card info and change plan levels.

Step 1: Access the Users Page

Select the settings button in the nav bar.

Click Account, then select the Users tab.

Step 2: Invite Users

Under the Users tab you should see a space off to the right that lets you enter the email address of the person you would like to add as a user. Once you enter email address, select which kind of user they will be from the list box, click Invite. The type of user can always be changed later.

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Try Graphly for Just $1!

Unlock the full potential of your data with Graphly! Sign up for our 14-day trial for only $1 and gain access to a wide range of powerful reports designed to help you make data-driven decisions. Here are some of the reports you can explore:

  • Opportunity Leaderboard: Track and analyze your team’s performance.
  • Gross Revenue: See the money coming into your Keap account over time.
  • Opportunity Forecast: Forecast the adjusted revenue of active opportunities based on the stage probability.
  • Units Sold: See the number of units sold for each product you select over a given date range.
  • Campaign Email Stats: Measure the impact and conversion of your marketing campaigns.
  • Tags Applied: See how many tags get applied to contacts during a period of time.

Don’t miss out on this limited-time offer! Start Your 14-Day $1 Trial Now.

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