The Email List Health template shows you the overall health and marketability of your email list.
Search for the Email List Health Template
To begin, click the “+” icon on the Dashboard and type “health” into the search bar. Then select the “Email List Health” template.
![The template highlighted in the template library.](
Chart Tab
There is only one option for the chart type, which is pie.
![Pie as the chart type.](
Options Tab
Navigate to the Options tab and select your comparison type. The first four options will always result in a pie chart with two slices.
- Marketable VS Unmarketable helps you identify what percentage of your list you can reach via email versus those you can’t.
- Engaged VS Unengaged shows you who is opening and clicking versus those who aren’t.
- Confirmed VS Unconfirmed gives you insight on how well you’re doing on getting subscribers to confirm.
- Spam VS Unsubscribed gives insight into the mood and behavior of your subscribers at the time that they depart your list.
![Different Options listed.](
The next two options allow you to individually select email statuses we want to compare.
The first of these two options will group those selected statuses and compare them against all other email statuses.
![Specific statuses selected.](
![Appearance of the chart.](
The second of the two will compare selected statuses to each other.
![Another appearance of the chart.](
Hovering over slices will give you a percentage of the pie and the number of contacts with that status.
![Hovering over a slice.](
You can also deselect the statuses in the legend.
![Once status deselected.](
If you wish to see the contacts that represent a status you can click on the slice of pie with that status to see the details.
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- Gross Revenue: See the money coming into your Keap account over time.
- Opportunity Forecast: Forecast the adjusted revenue of active opportunities based on the stage probability.
- Units Sold: See the number of units sold for each product you select over a given date range.
- Campaign Email Stats: Measure the impact and conversion of your marketing campaigns.
- Tags Applied: See how many tags get applied to contacts during a period of time.
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