The Subscription Attrition by Age template shows the attrition of subscriptions grouped by successful billing cycles.
Search for the Subscription Attrition by Age Report
Click the + icon on your dashboard and type Subscription Attrition into the search box. Then click the template.
Chart Tab
From the chart tab, you’ll see this report is a bar combo.
![the display type is set to bar combo](
Below that, we have the ability to show the overall average by checking this box.
![check this box to display the average attrition in the top right of the report](
Options Tab
First, we’ll select the intervals we would like to look at.
![select the age intervals you would like to display](
Next, we will select the subscriptions we wish to measure.
![select the subscriptions you want to track](
Lastly, we will select the cancelation date.
![select the cancelation date.](
Criteria Builder Tab
For ultimate control and customization, use the Criteria Builder.
![use the criteria builder to filter the report further](
Relevant Articles to Subscription Attrition by Age
- How to Configure the Subscription Stick Rate Report
- How to Configure the Subscription Tenure Report
- How to Configure the Subscription Stick Rate by Age Report
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