How to set up the Contact Leaderboard – Field in Range report

The Contact Leaderboard – Field in Range report displays a leaderboard of contacts with a tag and a date field all within the same range, grouped by a contact field.

Chart Tab

The only display type for this report is Leaderboard.

Leaderboard selected as chart type

Options Tab


Create a label for your tag and add tags you wish to track.

no tag label and no tags selected.

Date Range

Select the date range for the tag and date field you are tracking.

date range for last 7 days

Date Field

Select the Date field to track.

field for date range custom field

Sort By

Select the contact field to group the contacts by.

contact field for grouping contacts


Choose what determines your leaders, how many you would like to see, and what you would like to call them.

What determines leaders. Showing 10. Called top reps.

Criteria Builder Tab

For Ultimate control and customization, use the Criteria Builder to set additional rules and requirements for the report.

criteria builder settings

Relevant Articles to Contact Leaderboard – Field in Range

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  • Opportunity Leaderboard: Track and analyze your team’s performance.
  • Gross Revenue: See the money coming into your Keap account over time.
  • Opportunity Forecast: Forecast the adjusted revenue of active opportunities based on the stage probability.
  • Units Sold: See the number of units sold for each product you select over a given date range.
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  • Tags Applied: See how many tags get applied to contacts during a period of time.

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